Monthly Archives: January 2021

Explaining Political Repression and Lack of Democracy in Uganda

Podcast here: In the contested presidential elections in Uganda, which was held on January 14, Yoweri Museveni, the incumbent president and autocrat since 1986, has won reelection with 58% of the vote to his opponent Bobi Wine’s 34%. Wine … Continue reading

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Explaining Mob Rage

Podcast here: With the inauguration of President Joe Biden and the departure of outgoing president Donald Trump, the US has concluded a shameful episode, which had begun with the grand promises of a charlatan billionaire populist promising jobs to … Continue reading

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Enforcing Commodification

Podcast here: Following Peter Turchin’s (2016) argument, the end result of thousands of years of human evolution is greater cooperation, which creates more complex political structures (states) and civilizational elements (writing, science, art etc.) that we still benefit from. … Continue reading

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